
LiveBig is a registered NDIS provider specialising in therapy support. We aim to empower the lives of individuals living with disabilities. We bring together a dynamic and expert team of allied health professionals, including Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Counsellors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Music Therapists, and Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners. At the core of our approach is the belief that Together we do more.


More for our participants and clients

More for their families, carers, and referrers

More for our passionate and dedicated staff

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Our Story

The Arriba Group identified a crucial gap in high-quality allied health services for individuals with disabilities, particularly those with NDIS plans. Marcella Romero, the founder of the Arriba Group and a former occupational therapist, applied her first-hand understanding of the unique needs of people with disabilities to establish LiveBig.

Recognising the importance of delivering a high-quality service, the Arriba Group combined two of its strengths – our expert disability knowledge and our people – to launch LiveBig in 2019.

LiveBig now supports people in four states via face-to-face support and nationally via telehealth. While the organisation has grown, our people-centric participant-first approach has remained constant.

Painting of the Arriba Journey

The middle symbol is the main symbol of the painting, which represents The Arriba Group. 

The surrounding red symbols represent the other enterprises under The Arriba Group, Rehab Management, AimBig Employment and LiveBig.

The white symbols around these represents the men and woman of the Arriba Group, alongside with the footprints. These represents everyone’s journey that are apart of or have been a part of The Arriba Group. Marcella’s, the workers and the customer/client’s journey.

The blue arms represent the connection of the enterprises to The Arriba Group and shows combined, they’re all one.

The brown and orange dots together represents that no matter of the difference of a person, we are all the same.

Throughout the painting it shows colours that make The Arriba Group, red and grey being two of the main colours.

By Artists Dawn-Natalie Brown

Arriba Group Purpose

Empowering Lives Together

Our Mission

To be Australia’s most progressive people-centric company to achieve the best outcomes for all our clients

Our Vision

To be the number one nation-wide market leader in specialist allied health services and provider of choice to our customers and people.


Our Values


We deliver exceptional customer service for all those we deal with.


Our solutions measure and deliver proven outcomes.


Putting people first. People are the core of everything we do.


We challenge and disrupt to drive purpose-driven innovation.

Dynamic and agile

Forward-thinking keeps us ahead of the pack; we build fast, learn fast, adapt fast.

Our Leadership team

Our LiveBig Leaders are all clinicians with a focus on building the best services and support for our participants and their families. Together we do more.

Juliet is our fearless leader who lives and breathes LiveBig’s philosophy, ‘Together we do more’. Her compassion and 20 years of expertise in the health and disability sector is what makes LiveBig operate like the well-oiled machine that it is.

She has 20 years of both local and international experience in clinical, management and governance roles in some amazing places like Singapore and New Zealand. Her extensive experience in the NDIS and community health sectors, coupled with her unwavering commitment to putting clients at the centre, shapes LiveBig's values and commitment to making a difference.

Leading the charge in Victoria is experienced physiotherapist, Beatrice Wang. With 17 years of experience under her belt, Bea is not just a leader; she's a beacon of care and compassion.

From neurological and cardiac rehabilitation to hydrotherapy and falls management, Beatrice’s skills and experience cover a wide range of ground meaning allowing her to deliver for our clients. Beatrice’s superpower lies in connecting with people and tackling challenges head-on. She's not just about delivering services; she's about empowering individuals to reach their maximum potential.

Meet Amanda Trist, our dedicated and compassionate leader in New South Wales. With over 25 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist, Amanda's extensive background spans from hands-on clinical practice to influential leadership roles. 

She's all about fostering a supportive and passionate team environment, ensuring that every team member works cohesively to provide the best possible care. Her practical approach and dedication are key to the team's success in serving their clients.

Emma is the heart and soul of our Queensland team. With over 20 years in the disability and allied health sectors, she's been there since the beginning of the NDIS journey. Emma is all about building top-notch teams that deliver quality services.

Her diverse background, including corrections, rehabilitation, domestic violence, child services and mental health, gives her a grounded approach that our participants and staff adore. Emma isn't just a leader; she's a mentor, guiding new clinicians and students through the NDIS landscape with positivity and warmth.

Melanie, our allied health expert in Western Australia, brings over 25 years of experience to the table. She's not just passionate about physiotherapy; she's dedicated to helping clients with complex conditions live their best lives.

Her particular interest is in supporting clients with chronic, complex conditions with multiple diagnoses.  Melanie's leadership style is all about detail and personal focus, ensuring her team delivers nothing but the highest quality services. She approaches her role as Area Manager with a coaching style, empowering her team to problem-solve and deliver the highest quality services.

Maria is the glue that holds our relationships together. With a background in financial services, she's a pro at building and nurturing connections.

Maria's focus is clear – supporting people in the disability sector through effective relationship management and business development. She's all about working collaboratively to achieve our shared goals that will positively impact the lives of our most vulnerable individuals.

With over 20 years of experience in disability and mental health, Sharon is across all things operations at LiveBig.

She epitomises our ’Together we do more’ philosophy and drives high-quality services for those with complex needs. Sharon is passionate about improving health access and outcomes for our community with a focus on early intervention with children, young people, and families.

Our LiveBig leadership is supported by the Arriba Group Executive including Marcella Romero Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer. See more

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