Stress Down Day, is an initiative designed to raise awareness around stress in the workplace, and an opportunity to raise vital funds for Lifeline Australia. The day was also created to promote happiness, encourages help-seeking and raises awareness of suicide prevention.

There are lots of ways you can laugh, get involved and raise funds all at once. This Stress Down day your workplace can help by encouraging people to take some time on July 24, or after, donating and feeling good about supporting all the work Lifeline does nationwide.

At LiveBig we wanted to use this day to recognise work-related stress. Work-related stress is a growing problem around the world that affects not only the health and well-being of employees, but also the productivity of organisations. Arising where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person’s capacity and capability to cope.

Other sources of work-related stress include conflict with co-workers or bosses, constant change, and threats to job security, for example a potential redundancy. Work-related stress is recognised globally as a major occupational health and safety (OHS) hazard and can be challenging for employers to prevent and manage.

When looking to prevent work-related stress ‘Rehab Management’ have a guide on how to identify and symptoms in the workplace. Read the article here

To find out more, organise an event or donate visit Lifeline’s website.