According to the NDIS Quarterly Report, the second highest group accessing support are people between the ages of 25 – 64, this includes 37.8% of participants. What support can we provide to this client group at LiveBig?

With the help of our Queensland Area Manager, Emma Thomas, we have outlined the areas in which our consultants can support this age group:

Speech Pathology:

Our goal is to help people make the most of their time with family and friends. We support individuals to have safe and enjoyable mealtimes, assessing those who may have problems with swallowing, which could lead to the risk of choking. Through Speech Pathology we are able to help those with communication problems, for example an individual who has had a stroke. 

Occupational Therapy:

People who may be at risk of having a fall are supported through occupational therapy. We assess an individual’s functional capacity to determine what supports they need to help them remain independent. We assess an individuals mobility, supporting them with hoists and transfers.


We are here to help you in a time of grief and loss, this could be in relation to loss of a previous lifestyle and social connections. At LiveBig we will support you adjust to change; we encourage returning to an active lifestyle in the community, which will help to re-engage in society.


Through physiotherapy, we can help those who suffer from a broad range of health conditions, including injuries,  joint pain, arthritis, neurological conditions and post-surgery rehabilitation. We are able to help people to alleviate pain, restore function and prevent future injuries. In addition to this, we will provide a comprehensive assessment of the individuals physical requirements and identify the best course of intervention.

LiveBig supports older people under the NDIS and private fees, not through My Aged Care or Home funding.

If you know someone, or if you are someone who is in need of this support, please enquire at our website via the link here.