We’d love to share a recent good news story for one of our LiveBig families, who didn’t know about Physiotherapy…until now! 

Two young brothers, both with differing needs, initially joined LiveBig requesting OT support. After an initial assessment, the OT realised that both boys presented with delays in their gross motor skills. One of the boy’s challenging movement patterns was also presenting challenges for Mum to care for him.  

There was a quick discussion between the Live Big OT and Physio, and within a week, our Physio met this incredible family. Since becoming involved, both brothers have secured funding for fortnightly Physiotherapy treatment and have begun to kick goals!  

For this family, collaboration has meant: 

  • Increased community participation through improvement in ball skills, enabling one brother to get involved in a local basketball team. 
  • Improved quality of life, by improving coordination skills enough to be able to ride a bike down the street with friends.  
  • Improved independent walking, through prescription of an appropriately modified walking aid.  
  • Reduced carer burden through improved muscle strength, and ability to walk up and down stairs without being carried.  

Mum’s feedback about this was that she “didn’t know what she didn’t know” and would never have requested Physio services for her children without this suggestion from our team. She’s now thrilled to have continued Physiotherapy support. 

If you are wondering if yourself or someone you work with needs a Physiotherapist, the experience above would suggest that there is no harm in reaching out and asking the question. Right? 

 Our friendly team are very happy to assist you by providing an assessment and recommendations to support you to move and feel better in day to day life.