Meet some of the team that will support you

New South Wales Team
Amanda Trist
Acting Area Manager / Team Leader Occupational Therapy
Camila Camargo Santarosa
Team Leader Occupational Therapy
Cheryl Prasad
Team Leader Speech Therapy
Queensland Team
Emma Thomas
Area Manager
Jess Pitt
Team Leader Social Work
Karen Lochran
Team Leader Occupational Therapy
Katie Hilton
Team Leader Psychology
Victoria Team
Beatrice Wang
Area Manager
Kelly Deslandes
Acting Team Leader Behaviour Support
Lovin Shakoori
Acting Team Leader Behaviour Support
Mary Mastos
Team Leader Occupational Therapy
Diana Sercia
Team Leader Physiotherapy
Aleisha Robinson
Team Leader Psychology
Western Australia Team
Melanie Gallagher
Area Manager
Rachel Scales
Team Leader Occupational Therapy
Sharon Lee
National Operations Manager
Maria Babiera
National Customer Relationship Manager
Penny Belavgenis
Client Services Lead

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