An exercise physiologist is an allied health professional that specialises in helping clients to improve their fitness, manage their weight or manage chronic disease or injury. For people with disability, exercise physiology can help them become more independent, increase mobility and achieve optimal health – both physically and mentally.

Many people confuse exercise physiology with physiotherapy, but the main difference is that exercise physiologists provide a more ‘hands-off’ approach. Exercise physiologists deliver a personalised program, including behavioural coaching, health education, exercise counselling and physical rehabilitation. They also design tailored training programs to optimise clients’ physical functions.

Exercise, when provided suitably, and in a way that is specific to the individual needs of the client is an excellent addition to other treatment for the ongoing journey towards good mental health.

If you know someone wanting to commence exercise, but is suffering from some mental health challenges, or if you yourself have a mental illness and are with the NDIS, our Exercise Physiologists can work with you to better your mental health through appropriately designed exercise.

Get in touch today to find out more about our Exercise Physiology services.