Are you frustrated because your little one is taking longer to master the toilet than others their age? Research has shown that children on the autism spectrum learn to use the toilet later than neurotypical children and children with developmental delays. Factors such as;
- Change in normal routine: Incorporating the toilet is not normal routine for them, which can cause stress and refusals.
- Difficulties with sensory processing can cause the child to over or under react to their own senses.
- Difficulties with communication.
Toileting also works on following directions and self-care skills such as handwashing and dressing, without having these skills mastered using the toilet independently will be a bit more challenging for the child. However, it does not mean you cannot start your toileting journey.
Start incorporating your child to help support the transition to toilet:
- Dressing: By getting them to pull their pants up will help with dressing themselves after using the toilet.
- Washing Hands: Practice washing their hands in the sink and promoting for them to wash their hands before eating, after coming in from outside and after using the toilet/ changing their nappy.
- Switching to Underwear: Putting away the nappies will help the child start learning the physical ques to use the toilet.
- Managing Sensory experiences: Adjusting the lighting as required and allowing the child to wear noise cancelling headphones or earmuffs to help support them when the toilet flushes.
- Routine: Start incorporating the toilet into your everyday routine, by regularly engaging with the toilet will support the change in their routine.
- Stretches: Incorporating daily activities that assist with core development, such as animal walks (kangaroo hops).
Becoming independent with toileting might seem daunting right now, but LiveBig Occupational Therapist’s are experienced in helping support the transition to support your little on to master toileting.
To find out more about LiveBig and the services we provide, contact us today.