During our initial sessions with you, we liaise with you or your support network about the expectations of the service, and any personal goals you want to achieve. We also look at your NDIS goals and what supports you have set for the plan cycle.

If required, we conduct an initial assessment, analyse and present the findings and develop goals together that we think may be achievable and functional for you.

What are goals?

Goals help to describe things you want to achieve, develop or learn. You might need support from the NDIS and other supports and services to help you pursue them. You should try and make your goals as specific as possible.

Your goals can be short, medium, or long terms which reflects how long they’ll take to achieve.

  • Short term goals can be 12 months to two years
  • Medium term goals can be two to three years
  • Long-term goals can be three years or more

At LiveBig, we also help break down your goals into smaller targets that are more manageable and easier to achieve.

How do I set my goals?

The easiest way for you to think about goals is to think about what’s important to you.

Use this list to think about all the aspects of your life and what is really important to you. It may be:

  • Finding and keeping a job
  • Improving relationships
  • Independence in daily living
  • Confidence in money management
  • Doing more social and recreational activities
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Building confidence around public transport or learning to drive
  • Learning something new
  • Where you want to live
  • Improving communication.


Why are goals important?

Your goals are an important part of developing your plan. They also help our LiveBig staff get to know you, and the things that are important in your life.

Goals can also:

  • Help you think about what your strengths are and how you can use them 
  • Give you motivation to try different things and build your independence
  • Be something to work towards where you can measure your progress

If you are interested in LiveBig’s allied health services, or would like to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals, contact us today.