What is a support coordinator?

A support coordinator is a professional who connects people on NDIS plans with supports and community services. This role is helpful to aid in a person’s management of disability, illness or injury and is available to NDIS participants with a plan.

Learn more about your NDIS plan.

Depending on your individual goals and NDIS plan objectives, you may receive funding for three levels of support in your plan. These include:

  • Support connection
    Building your ability to connect with both formal and informal supports so you can get the most out of your NDIS plan.
  • Support coordination
    Building your ability to understand and implement your NDIS plan. Your support coordinator will help you maintain relationships with your service providers, manage your service delivery and live more independently.
  • Specialist support coordination
    For people who need specialist support in their more complex situation. This higher level of support gives you a consistency in your service delivery and helps you manage any challenges with your NDIS plan.

What do support coordinators do?

Although the main function of a support coordinator is to help connect participants with supports, they also perform a number of other functions to assist people with disability, and their families, to navigate their NDIS plan.

Your support coordinator should:

  • Help you understand how to use your NDIS plan.
  • Teach you how to use the NDIS portal to monitor your funds.
  • Manage your NDIS services to get the best outcome from your plan.
  • Negotiate with service providers around their services for you and the cost.
  • Monitor the progress and outcomes of your health goals.
  • Help you prepare for your next NDIS review.
  • Work with your support network (family, friends and other service providers) to help you meet your health goals set out in your NDIS plan.

How do I get a support coordinator?

You will be allocated funding in your NDIS plan to pay for a support coordinator. During your first meeting with the NDIS, you can let them know that you want to proceed with a support coordinator and can change your mind at any time.

How do I find the right support coordinator for me?

Like in any aspect of life, the people we surround ourselves with make a big difference to our happiness and quality of life. Having the right support coordinator is crucial to help you get the best outcomes from your NDIS plan.

At LiveBig, we don’t offer support coordination ourselves because our focus is on providing specialised allied health services to our clients with disabilities.

If you’d like to choose your own support coordinator, organisations like Ability Options, Marli and Moe and Yooralla can help match you with the right person to support you.

A full list of NDIS service providers can be found on the NDIS website, including all registered organisation offering support coordination.

Can I still get a support coordinator if I’m self-managing my NDIS plan?

Yes, you can still have funding for a support coordinator no matter how you choose to manage your plan. Check your plan for details and contact the NDIS if you’re unsure.

Visit the NDIS website for further details.