The following information has been sourced from the NDIS.

On 1 July, some changes to the NDIS Act came into effect including:

  1. Acknowledging the central role of people with disability in co-design and the need to recognise and respect the relationship between people with disability and their families and carers.
  2. Introducing plan variations to make it easier and faster for participants to have their plan adjusted in specific situations without needing to go through a full plan reassessment.
  3. Updating terminology including replacing ‘plan review’ with ‘plan reassessment’ to avoid confusion with reviews of decisions.
  4. Clarifying that ‘episodic and fluctuating conditions’ (including psychosocial disability) can be considered permanent for the purposes of determining if someone might be eligible for the Scheme.
  5. Adding protections for participants who want to use a plan manager.

These changes are designed to support us to deliver a better experience and outcomes for NDIS participants, their families and carers.

You can read more about these and other changes on the NDIS website.