Mette joined LiveBig in 2021 and brought with her a world of experience, having worked in various roles after graduating from Sydney University 24 years ago. Much of the work Mette does is in the community, often working with people living at home who are looking to maintain life at home and get the most out of life with the help of an Occupational Therapist (OT). 

When asked about what her day looks like at work, Mette explained: 

“My day can be quite varied, however most days usually starts with a cup of coffee and a walk with my two dogs – this helps clear my mind and start the day in the right way. Then I get in my car and drive out to see various clients. On the days that I’m in the office I often spend time with other OTs doing clinical training to develop skills and knowledge.” 

For LiveBig OT’s no two days are the same which is an attractive part of the role, and there is often a healthy balance between clinical hands-on-work and work in the office. At LiveBig the team is multi-disciplinary, and each Allied Health clinician brings their own dynamic to the business. Whilst Mette is an OT, LiveBig also provides a range of supports from Speech Pathology, Exercise Physiology, Behaviour Support and Physiotherapy to name a few. 

“There are many great benefits to working at LiveBig, but for me, one of the important things is the team. We are all so respectful of one another and all bring different clinical experiences, life experiences and contribute so much to each other. It just makes it so much easier to do your job when you feel happy and welcomed in the team. LiveBig is a space where you are heard and where your billable hours are achievable making it a wonderful place to be.”  

When asked what her favourite thing about her job was, Mette said: 

“The joy I experience when I know that what I have done has made a difference and impacted someone to be able to achieve what they set out to achieve, is something I can’t imagine I could have experienced in another role. I am grateful to have chosen LiveBig as the provider that I work for, and grateful that they decided to take me on as well.” 

To find out more about LiveBig and the services we provide, contact us today.  

If you are interested in a career with LiveBig, view our careers page.